GearTeq for SOLIDWORKS 2012 through 2007
Attention users under the support and maintenance plan: A new registration code will be required if upgrading from an earlier major release.
for SOLIDWORKS 2012 through 2004
Attention users under the support and maintenance plan: A new registration code will be required if upgrading from an earlier major release.
 CamTrax64 for SOLIDWORKS 2012 through 2008
SOLIDWORKS user under the CamTrax support and maintenance plan should upgrade to CamTrax64. There is no cost for those users to upgrade (at this time).
 GearTeqAI for AutoDesk Inventor 2010, 2011 and 2012
 CamTrax64AI for AutoDesk Inventor 2010 through 2012

 GearTeqSE for Solid Edge ST4
Beta release for win64 operating systems only
Build 2012-104-64-400 on 11/20/2011
 GearTraxSE for Solid Edge ST1 through ST4
Build 2011-104-652 on 11/04/2011
 CamTraxSE for Solid Edge ST1 through ST4
Build 2011-104-464 on 11/04/2011

has been replaced by CamTrax64 (SOLIDWORKS version with special registration requirements)
When downloading, enter "standalone" for the SOLIDWORKS serial number.
Download and Installation Instructions