To create a chain sprocket:
· Select the desired Chain Number from the drop down box.
· Enter or use the spin box to change the number of teeth.
· Check the Pointed Tooth check box if so desired.
· Check the Create Tooth Pattern if the tooth is to be patterned.
· If the Create Tooth Pattern is checked, the Teeth to Draw box becomes enabled. If it is desired to pattern the tooth other than a full pattern then input the number of teeth to be drawn. This can be changed after the part is drawn simply by editing the definition of the CirPattern1.
· Select Standard Series or Heavy Series of sprocket.
· If a Multi-strand sprocket is to be modeled, click on the check box. This will enable the Number of Strands input box. Enter the number of strands to be drawn.
· The Pitch Diameter is a driven dimension.
· Make any necessary changes to the Hub Mounting.
· Click on the Finish button to complete the gear