Creating Non-Standard Pitch Spur Gears


Non-standard pitches give the user optimum control over all parameters of the gear construction.


·      Select the “Non standard Pitches” option button.




GearTrax2005 uses the addendum coefficient, clearance coefficient and the fillet radius coefficient as the basis for the gear geometry. When switching to non-standard pitches GearTrax will display the current coefficient values. You will also be asked to select to use coefficients as the basis of the gear geometry. Selecting ‘no’ will give the most flexibility but enough data will need to be input into GearTrax for the gear to be modeled properly. Selecting ‘yes’ will force GearTrax to use coefficients. These values can be changed. The fillet radius coefficient may be changed in the fillet radius dialog box. The addendum coefficient and the clearance coefficient may be changed in the Addendum dialog box.


Many parameters of the gear are inter-related; changing one parameter may affect the values of other parts of the gear. For example, changing the pressure angle will affect the value of the base circle. Also changing the addendum will affect the major diameter (O.D), the addendum modification and the addendum modification coefficient.


The coefficient values will not change unless they are directly edited. These values are the basis of all standards.



Some values will not change unless they are directly changed. For example, the number of teeth can only be changed by directly editing the value in the box.


When creating non-standard gears you may need to specify the values for the following:


·                Diametral pitch, module pitch or the pitch diameter

·                Number of teeth

·                Major diameter, addendum, addendum modification, or the addendum modification coefficient

·                Minor diameter, dedendum, dedendum modification, or the dedendum modification coefficient

·                Pressure angle or base diameter

·                Fillet radius or the fillet radius coefficient

·                Tooth thickness or backlash

·                Face width